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The Government of Israel and the Temple Mount
First, let us agree what starts the Great Tribulation. It is not the rapture. The Messiah answered this question directly for the disciples and us. … The Abomination of Desolation given by Daniel consists of two events …
The Fourth Commandment
Christianity at large has forgotten that the Sabbath was made for man and is a weekly reminder of the annual things God has done, is doing, and will do in the future. So, what is the Sabbath day?
The Revolutionary Call to Generosity
As believers in Messiah, we often see generosity towards one another as an obligation, not as an opportunity to respond to God’s graciousness towards each one of us.
Holy Assemblies Required
As believers, we are not permitted to opt-out of assembling. An area that has rising popularity as an alternate option for assembling is Online Service. Many congregations have online communities including live streams of their services, online giving, etc. Unless we are physically unable to attend in person, we cannot choose convenience over community.
Culture vs The Bible
Yoga, spiritual gurus, there is a new spiritual fad every year. All of it under the premise to help you achieve the best you—all of it perverting what God has called us to do: Die to ourselves. Not pamper ourselves.